Invest in Limited Liability

Setting up a Limited Liability Company (or LLC) can seperate and protect your personal assets from its assets.


LLC Investment Opportunities.

You may invest in the following types of limited liability company opportunities:

Stocks & Mutual Funds

Choose from thousands of unique stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs.

Residential Properties

The most common real estate asset with options like single-family houses and apartments.

Residential Properties

The most common real estate asset with options like single-family houses and apartments.

Commercial Properties

From grocery stores to doctor offices, there are dozens of types of commercial properties.

Commercial Properties

From grocery stores to doctor offices, there are dozens of types of commercial properties.

Precious Metals

Precious metals like gold and silver can protect your portfolio from inflation and volatility.

Private Company Stocks

Play an important role at a firm while receiving company earnings.

Private Company Stocks

Play an important role at a firm while receiving company earnings.


Revolutionary digital assets trusted by companies like Square and JPMorgan Chase.

Key Benefits
& Considerations.
  1. A common strategy for Self-Directed IRA investing into an LLC is referred to as "Checkbook Control." Keep in mind, same rules that apply to your IRA will apply to using checkbook control-You cannot write checks for personal reasons.
  2. Many investors have used LLCs as liability protection for the investments held within their IRAs. Consult with your legal advisor to determine if you would benefit from the liability protection of an LLC.
  3. Income generated by the LLC may be subject to unrelated business income tax (UBIT). Since the IRA owns the LLC, an IRA may have to file a tax return if the income it receives is taxable.
  4. In specific states where LLCs are legally considered securities, the people and/or entities wishing to invest in them are required to meet certain state regulations before doing so.
  5. Investors should consult a lawyer or trusted financial professional before making LLC investments with their IRA.


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